902 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33609

Category: Lawsuit

In Florida, Is a Non-Compete Agreement Enforceable?
POSTED ON March 25, 2024

In the competitive world of business, companies may turn to a variety of methods to obtain an advantage over competitors, including preventing their employees from leaving and going to work for those competitors. This is the primary purpose of a non-compete agreement.   By restricting the…

How to Spot Nursing Home Red Flags
POSTED ON February 15, 2024

Nursing home abuse and neglect are notoriously difficult to identify. Nursing home residents often suffer from physical or cognitive issues that limit their ability to report abuse or neglect. As a result, nursing home cases often rely on observations by visitors and whistleblowers. Nursing Home…

What Causes a Case to Reach the Supreme Court?
POSTED ON August 10, 2023

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land. For this reason, few cases make it before the Justices every year while the Court is in session.  Types of Cases the Supreme Court Will Hear The Supreme Court has the…

Are Settlements Considered a Public Record?
POSTED ON July 20, 2023

According to a study by the U.S. Justice Department, only 3% of personal injury cases reach trial, with the vast majority settling. You will find similar statistics for business litigation and criminal prosecutions. A settlement is a resolution that the parties agree upon. In a…

Proposals for Settlement/Offers of Judgment
POSTED ON April 20, 2023

Proposals for Settlement (PFS) and Offers of Judgment (OJ) are important tools used to resolve disputes between parties in a lawsuit.   What Is a PFD or OJ? In simple terms, a PFS is an offer one party makes to the other to settle the case…