902 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33609

Bankruptcy Trustee Representation Attorneys


Shrader Mendez & O’Connell specializes in representing bankruptcy trustees in asset recovery actions ranging from personal injury, Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act claims, RESPA violations, fraudulent transfers, overbilling by debt relief companies, and other claims common for petitioning debtors.

Florida has some of the highest rates for bankruptcy filings across the country. Florida’s Middle District U.S. Bankruptcy Court is the third busiest bankruptcy court in the nation (of the 90 federal districts). 

As the COVID-19 pandemic was financially devastating for so many individuals, families, and businesses in Florida, bankruptcy filings are not expected to stop. The Orlando Sentinel reported in August 2020 that courts were bracing for a looming wave of “COVID bankruptcies” in the coming months and years. Between January and August of 2020, 12,800 bankruptcies were filed in Florida’s Middle District Bankruptcy Court, which serves 35 counties from Tampa Bay to Jacksonville. High numbers of filings mean that bankruptcy trustees will be very busy. 

A trustee plays an important role in a Florida bankruptcy and has a duty to be impartial and disinterested. At Shrader Mendez & O’Connell, our attorneys work to provide advice and resources to trustees as they identify assets to recover for the benefit of the estate. 

Guiding Bankruptcy Trustees 

Bankruptcy trustees have both ethical obligations and fiduciary duties to debtors and creditors. The professional trustee attorneys at Shrader Mendez & O’Connell, will assist trustees with:

  • Identifying potential claims that belong to the estate; 
  • Investigations into the facts to support the claims;
  • Inquiries with the opposing party about pre-suit settlement; 
  • Litigation of any viable claims that cannot be settled.

At Shrader Mendez & O’Connell, we provide bankruptcy trustees with legal advice and guidance as they fulfill their legal responsibilities. Our lawyers understand trustee powers and duties under the Bankruptcy Code. We have worked with trustees in numerous types of bankruptcy cases, including high profile cases and understand that trustees need to close cases efficiently while also maximizing recovery for creditors. We move quickly and efficiently to accomplish both goals. 

If you are a bankruptcy trustee seeking counsel to help identify and pursue assets belonging to an estate relating to:

  • Personal Injury
  • Employment Law
  • RESPA Violations 
  • Creditor Harassment During Debt Collection
  • Overbilling by Debt Consolidation/Relief Companies
  • Fraudulent transfers

Call 813-701-5038 or contact one of Shrader Mendez & O’Connell’s Tampa bankruptcy trustee representation attorneys to talk with us about how we can help. We look forward to speaking with you. 
