902 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33609


When Creditors Come Calling after Your Bankruptcy Discharge
POSTED ON July 15, 2021

Filing for bankruptcy is not a decision most people make lightly. When your financial situation is so perilous that you cannot see a way forward, bankruptcy offers the opportunity to discharge the debt in an organized fashion.  Unfortunately, some of your creditors may not be…

Know Your Rights When Facing a Debt Collector
POSTED ON June 20, 2021

State and federal laws regulate how debt collectors can interact with you. These laws are intended to eliminate the most abusive debt collection practices. Knowing these laws can help you to assert your rights when a debt collector calls. Here are some of the rights…

Does the Losing Party Pay Attorney Fees?
POSTED ON June 15, 2021

When you lose a case, does the losing party pay all attorney fees? The short answer is no. In most cases, each party only pays for its own attorney fees. This allows litigants to pursue legal cases regardless of their financial means. As a result,…

How You Can Lose Your Legal Rights by Letting Too Much Time Elapse
POSTED ON May 20, 2021

Have you suffered injuries due to another person’s negligence? Are you involved in an ongoing civil dispute over funds or property? Are you considering taking legal action to obtain justice? If so, then it is important that you understand the necessity for prompt action. In…

What Can I Expect from Petit Theft Charges?
POSTED ON May 15, 2021

If you have been charged with a crime, it is important to understand the possible consequences that you may be facing. While violent offenses such as robbery or aggravated battery carry heavy penalties, being charged with a misdemeanor offense such as petit theft is also…